Sunday, March 7, 2010

meaningful quotes

That shows how much I LOVE YOU .
I meant for you , and your meant for me . I love you !
I love this quote ! Next time reply this to whoever (whoever ; meaning the older generation) scolds you
I rather be an idiot to lose a friend !
I started missing you as soon as we said goodbye at the airport

Secretly I miss you to death !

Love is the main reason we're still living .
I hope we're together till the end .
I want you to come back , even if is just for a moment !
Lao gong ; You have to remember that , I love you for YOU !
My wish list xP
I want you to stay ! so much . (I should have found this before you went , all well)
I know your not perfect , no one is . But your all I need . And I mean it .
Tell the teacher ; We're not cheaters we just really enjoy having the same answers xD
To my lao gong's heart ; I love you
I just want to let you know , I day dream about you !
To my lao gong ; You matter in this world !

Sometimes , I really want to shout it in your face ; I miss your voice ! call ! don't text !